English Learner Plan » English Learner Plan

English Learner Plan

Plan for English Learners

The Academy follows all applicable laws in serving its English Learner (EL) scholars, including full inclusion in the classroom, small group instruction, and individual instructional customization in the classroom.

The Academy administers the Home Language Survey upon a scholar’s enrollment.  All scholars who indicate that their home language is one other than English are initially administered the California English Language Development Test (CELDT) within thirty (30) days of enrollment, and annually thereafter between July 1st and October 31st until reclassified as Fluent English Proficient (FEP). Scholars reclassified as Fluent English Proficient (R-FEP) are monitored for two (2) years. 

The Academy notifies all parents of EL scholars prior to CELDT administration.  Parents receive CELDT results within thirty days of the Academy receiving results from the publisher. The CELDT is used to determine qualification to reclassify an EL scholar as Fluent English Proficient (R-FEP) and to fulfill the requirements under the “No Child Left Behind” Act (NCLB) for annual English proficiency testing.

The Academy first determines to what extent the scholar is limited English proficient.  The Academy then makes a determination as to what site program and servicing the scholar will receive (e.g. Structured English Immersion).  The Academy analyzes what interventions have been used previously with the scholar and makes a determination as to whether any of the interventions will continue to be utilized.

Dependent upon the scholar’s grade level and/or English Language proficiency levels, the Academy ensures the scholar is receiving an intensive and targeted intervention program for English Language acquisition.  Interventions include, but are not limited to, the following:

  • Utilization of directed, structured, and researched-based instruction.
  • Structured, targeted, and rigorous standards-based instruction integrating the Theory of Multiple Intelligences which centers on scholars’ learning strengths; and
  • Scholar Success Team process to analyze current interventions being utilized within the classroom, put in place new interventions, and monitor all interventions to determine effectiveness.

If necessary, and with parental/guardian consent, John Adams Academy determines a scholar’s eligibility for Special Education services as needed. 

John Adams Academy runs a full-inclusion program for our EL scholars.  EL scholars are not placed in sheltered or bilingual instruction classes at John Adams Academy.  From the first day of school, EL scholars are immersed in English, with the language support they need to learn the language.  Additionally, this support enables them to develop the grammatical framework and vocabulary needed to become proficient readers and writers.

All teachers of EL scholars receive professional development in order to better understand the instructional steps and approaches necessary for English Language acquisition.  All John Adams Academy teachers are CLAD certified or in the process of obtaining CLAD certification.

EL scholars are monitored by homeroom teachers using the same Academic Strategic Success Plan process as other scholars. Our goal is to help EL scholars move rapidly through the five levels of English Language proficiency and ultimately become reclassified as Fluent English Proficient (R-FEP). Research shows that once a child achieves the intermediate stages of fluency, they begin to accelerate their progress on all of their academic work.

There are two types of English Language Development programs at John Adams Academy: Structured English Immersion (SEI) and English Language Mainstream (ELM).  SEI classrooms are designed for scholars with less than “reasonable fluency”.   An English language mainstream classroom is designed for scholars with “reasonable fluency” or a “good working knowledge of English.” Typically, EL scholars scoring at the beginning to intermediate levels on the CELDT are considered to have less than “reasonable fluency” (California Education Code [EC] Section 305).  Typically, scholars scoring at the intermediate level or higher (Early Advanced or Advanced) are considered to have “reasonable fluency.”  However, districts (in this case, John Adams Academy) determine what levels constitute “reasonable fluency” and “less than reasonable fluency.”

An EL scholar shall be transferred from a SEI classroom to an English language mainstream classroom when the scholar has acquired a reasonable level of English proficiency (EC 305). However, at any time, including during the school year, a parent or guardian may have his or her scholar moved into an English language mainstream classroom utilizing the Parental Exception Waiver process (California Code of Regulations [CCR], Title 5, section 11301).

Structured English Immersion (SEI): Scholars who score at less than reasonable fluency are placed in an SEI program and are taught overwhelmingly in English. Some assistance may be provided in the primary language. Scholars are taught ELD and other core subjects by authorized teachers using textbooks and supplementary materials approved by John Adams Academy’s Board of Directors. Instruction is based on ELD and grade-level content standards.  Instruction includes differentiated core content delivered through Specially Designed Academic Instruction in English (SDAIE).        

English Language Mainstream (ELM): Scholars who score at reasonable fluency in English are placed in an ELM program. They are taught ELD and other core subjects by authorized teachers using textbooks and supplementary materials approved by John Adams Academy’s Board of Directors. Instruction is based on ELD and grade-level content standards. Scholars will receive additional instruction needed to assist them to be reclassified as fluent English proficient.  Core content is delivered through Specially Designed Academic Instruction in English (SDAIE).

The process and criteria for determining when a scholar should exit the ELD Program is as follows: According to the California Education Code Section 313(d), the required criteria are CELDT results, Comparison of Performance in Basic Skills, Teacher Evaluation (term grades), and a writing rubric which serves as an additional multiple measure.  Specific criteria for each component listed above are as follows:

Overall CELDT scores: Early Advanced or Advanced (with no sub-skills scoring less than Intermediate in Reading, Writing, Language, and Speaking)

CST scores: Proficient or Advanced in English Language Arts (ELA) and Math

Teacher Evaluation: grades must be a C or better in all core academic subject areas (e.g., Reading, Math, Writing, etc.) for scholars in grades K - 12

Writing Rubric: Grade-level writing samples must score a 3 or better on a 4 point maximum rubric scale.  Writing rubrics will measure writing strategies, language conventions, sentence structure, grammar, capitalization, punctuation, and spelling.

Prior to scholars exiting the ELD program, the EL coordinator and site administration obtain parent approval during a Parental Opinion and Consultation session/meeting.  If the scholar is receiving Special Education services, an IEP team meeting is held and an addendum is submitted to reflect that the scholar being reclassified is based due to a learning disability rather than a language barrier.

Title III requires that states hold Title III subgrantees accountable for meeting three annual measurable achievement objectives (AMAOs) for English learners. The first AMAO relates to making annual progress on the CELDT, the second relates to attaining English proficiency on the CELDT, and the third AMAO relates to meeting Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) by the English Learner subgroup at the LEA level.   Charter schools that are direct funded and that receive Title III funds as a separate LEA will be held accountable for meeting the AMAOs and will receive Title III Accountability Reports each fall.

The following assessments will be utilized to measure progress toward AMAOs:


John Adams Academy plans to meet and/or exceed all AMAO targets as well as AYP targets.